Cambridge Audio + Mavenoid

Cambridge Audio reaches 47% self-service resolution rate with Mavenoid's product assistant


resolution rate


monthly conversations


of users resolve requests
with their first search


Scattered support information and surge of repetitive requests

London-based Cambridge Audio is one of the world's leading manufacturers of audio equipment. With a vow to always give their customers the best, Cambridge Audio wished to provide a support experience that matches the quality of their products.

However, without a cohesive support tool in place, the support information on their website was difficult for users to find, and consequently lead to floods of repetitive customer support tickets, often too much to handle for their support technicians.

In order to provide their users with the quality support they expect, Cambridge Audio was looking to implement a user-friendly and seamless self-service support solution, which would enable customers to resolve requests on their own, as well as free up time for technicians to focus on complex troubleshooting.

“Mavenoid allows customers to take advantage of the wealth of support materials already in place and find what is relevant to them, reducing the need to raise a support ticket to ask a question that has already been answered. This frees up resource and agent time to tackle more complex, new, and unusual issues.”


Tom Castle
Customer Support Manager
Cambridge Audio


One place for answers, one place for agents to respond if needed

With Mavenoid, Cambridge Audio has been able to gather their support knowledge in one place, so customers can quickly find what they are looking for. Instructions are better structured and easier to follow, and more problems are solved without the need for a technician’s assistance. Cambridge Audio now resolves 47% of all incoming support requests through self-service.

Cambridge Audio’s support technicians are seamlessly looped in when a customer still needs help after having tried self-service. Handovers are done with zero interuption and repetition, resulting in shorter resolution times and higher customer satisfaction.

The quality of Cambridge Audio’s support content will continue to improve over time as Mavenoid automatically pinpoints any gaps and provides in-depth analytics that help identify new issues.

Key features implemented

Assistant webpages
Capture support requests from users on search engines and quickly direct them to the right answers.

Smart escalation
Requests that need a human touch are automatically routed to the right person, along with the case history.

Live agent support
Resolve complex issues remotely via chat or video with on-screen markup functinoality.

Teachable AI
Mavenoid's AI learns from every interaction, and continues to improve on its own.

Assistant webpages
content modules
Live agent support
Teachable AI

Experience support that really works

Unlike generic support tools that focus on deflection, Mavenoid is all about solutions.

Schedule a demo and experience how Mavenoid meets customers with the right level of support to take them seamlessly from request to solution.
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